If you need your uPVC window repairs, please call Stephen on 07990573857. We are here to help get your windows functioning again.
uPVC window repairs Barnsley
Locksmiths’ work has evolved since the beginning of 2000, and we now regularly repair uPVC windows as part of our weekly schedule. Issues that can occur with uPVC windows are
- Window mechanism failure
- Hinge problems
- Handle failure
Window mechanism failure
A locking mechanism that secures a uPVC door holds uPVC windows shut. You will find that the handle still moves, but the window remains closed. This is a sign that the gearing has failed and will need changing.
The first bit of advice is to ignore YouTube here. I’ve seen the videos on there, and they don’t work. There is a mystical art in opening a failed uPVC window in these situations. But, it is best left to the professional. Once open, we can replace the faulty parts we carry.
In some cases, it’s impossible to replace the mechanism like for like. But, we have a trick. It lets the window stay secure and open without the original parts. It is still cheaper than a new window and negates the need to replace it.
Hinge Problems
The constant opening and closing of uPVC windows and possible debris building up in the window recesses cause wear and tear on the hinges. Eventually, it can lead to a seized hinge that, when forced, will buckle.
The most common occurrence is the window will only partially pull in, leaving a slight gap in the frame and a draughty window. Run a thin debit card around the sealing edge; it should hold the card in place. If not, the hinge is failing.
The solution is to replace the hinges, which means bringing the sash inside and taking it apart. Even if only one of the hinges is faulty, we replace both.
Handle failure
Suppose the handle remains closed and will not move, even if unlocked. If keys have been misplaced, it’s time to replace it. As locksmiths, we are experienced in opening locked things, and windows are no different. We carry white, gold, and chrome handles for this very occasion. The quality of our parts is top-class, and we prefer those over inferior types.

uPVC window repairs Barnsley
When can you come?
You need to contact us and explain what you are looking for. Could you send some pictures or a short WhatsApp video, and we will give you an estimate? If you are happy to move forward, you can make an appointment.
Our contact number is 07990573857, or you can contact us at stephen@sf-locksmiths.com.